Graffiti Analysis
Par Étienne, jeudi 4 août 2005 :: design numérique :: #79 :: rss
"Graffiti Analysis" est un projet artistique mélant graffiti, projection vidéo et application en C++ permettant d'interpréter en 3D le mouvement. Cela donne des performances magnifiques sur les murs de New York renouvellant avec intelligence le genre.
Il faut absolument regarder les vidéos, car le projet prends toute son envergure en mouvement.
En anglais, la description du projet :
makes visible the unseen movements of graffiti writers in the creation of a tag. Motion tracking, computer vision technology and a custom C++ application are used to record and analyze a graffiti writer’s pen movement over time. These gestures are processed and used to produce algorithmically generated digital projections which appear at night in motion on the surfaces of buildings in New York City. Relationships are created between analogue and digital graffiti styles, forming a link between traditional graffiti, experimental street art and new media. Graffiti is re-presented in the language of information analysis, offering a system for greater understanding of a highly coded form of creative expression.
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